Showing posts with label bird watching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bird watching. Show all posts

Saturday, 15 July 2023

Ham Wall, July 2023


Bittern; subtle brown
feathers flying past the hide
Herringbone beauty



Feather tutu flies
Musical winds wafting wings
Jete! Jete! Glide!



In the green canal
Among the waterlilies
White sails drifting by

Graceful necks bending
Low to kiss their reflections…
Pondweed slurps instead!



Sky hatchet cutting
A swathe of leaden landscape
Skewering reedbeds


Just so much gossip
In the branches overhead
Two jays chat at lunch


Marsh Harrier

Broad wings weave the wind
Around a stand of willows
While rain clouds billow

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Long-tailed tits and starlings


Long-tailed tits along the lane

Tying song bows to
Broad leaf branches; overhead
Long-tailed tunes flutter


Bird table starlings

A squall of starlings
Blows up suddenly, raining
Beaks and talons now

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Winter Starlings

Up in the bare trees
A canopy of feathers
Sings about Spring soon


On the bird table
Freckles, speckles, sparks and dots
Starlings squabble lots!

In the Winter Fields

On a silver string
White bows rise. A flying kite
Of seagulls and wind

Monday, 9 March 2020

March 2020

Six for gold: get in!
But, turns out, there’s no magic
Magpie cash machine

Open air concert
Drum roll for a dawn chorus
Woodpecker warms up

#haiku #birds #nature

Monday, 6 January 2020

Christmas Holiday Haiku 2019/2020

Near Stonehenge

Still as standing stones
Sentinel of the circle
Buzzard on fence post

Near Greylake

Fields; silver flood plain
All awash with wading birds
A lake of Lapwings

Near Glastonbury

A strange shimmer runs
Fractal fields shifting. Weird sight
As starlings settle

Evening Sparrow Fugue

Telephone line stave
Against the orchestral sky
Little bird notes: trill!

Telephone line stave
Against the orchestral sky
Melody of birds

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Winter Wren, Starlings and Garden Birds

Winter Wren

Among winter boughs
Little wren (walnut brown) bobs
Living netsuke

The Starlings Gather

A Starling garland
On power lines overhead
Decorating me!

Tits in the Garden

Count them; count them all
Each little bird a blessing
Blue, Coal, Long-tailed, Great

Thursday, 3 October 2019

A buzzard and some swallows

The Buzzard Above

Circling high above
A slow Ferris wheel ride; free
In carnival skies

Soulful Autumn blues
A crisp air and slow tempo
Solo turn on stage

A singular truth:
To know the limitless sky
Wing and a prayer

Swallows along Cinnamon Lane

The lane (bursting ripe
Hedgerows laden with late fruit)
Is your flightpath home

Crane flies, mosquitoes
Wasps, fruit flies, midge and darter
Alfresco mixed grill…

A flash of summer!
Then two more; swallow wings dip
The deepening lane