Showing posts with label murmuration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label murmuration. Show all posts

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Starling Flocks Arriving Overhead One Evening in November

Here, now; a blanket
Of soft wings brushing the sky
Draws evening close by

The absence of sound
Their solidarity speaks
A thousand times loud

Air net. A lattice of
Beak and wing to stop falcons
From feasting on them

In the late lilac
Sky; thin ribbons of birds fly
Above the old thorn

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Wagtails and Starlings

Two Territorial Wagtails

Steam from frosty fence
Rises, as tempers flare hot
Wagtails flip the bird

Starlings at Dusk

Starlings spread a quilt
Of sunset gold, pink and blue
Murmuring the moon