Thursday 19 September 2024

House Martins in September

Sycamore seeds spin
While House martins circle tree
Spirals everywhere


Swallow and swift gone
House martin hesitates; a
Late summer harvest

A week of sunshine
And the House Martin’s picnic
Fills the country sky

Tuesday 16 July 2024

July Birds


Five bluetits flit past
Green as apples on the branch
Old orchard; new life


The buzzard circles
Finding a thermal. Freed from
Our mortal scope now



Moorhen mother sits
Surrounded by Saint’s waters
Patient protectress

Friday 28 June 2024

This Year's Birdbox Nest

This year a pair of House Sparrows chose to raise their noisy chicks in one of our birdboxes, visible from our kitchen window. The most entertaining and enchanting family to observe and the silence, now they have fledged, is palpable. We think there were at least two chicks but we missed them fledging so there could well have been more. 

The Sparrow Box

Sparrow parents spin
Frantic food dash, fly, fly, bug
Woodlouse for lunch, yuk!

Godzilla and Bro
That’s what I nicknamed the pair
Roaring for food now

Empty Nester

A quiet kitchen
You have fledged, nest-box now cold
Little sparrows flown

Swifts over the Garden

Two swifts, sickle-sharp
Are honed on a whetstone sun
High in a June sky

Tuesday 25 June 2024

On a Sunday walk and early this morning.

Stubble-field ballet
Swallows swoop and weave round bales
Bravo! More! Encore!

Egret overhead!
White yacht on a blue sky tide
Fair winds for flying

Monday 29 April 2024

Fifteen Little Egret in a Field

Little Egret Troupe
Feats of Flying! Fan Dancing
and Fierce Spear Fishing

Wading through silver
While house martins wheel above
Mirrored in the field


Sunday 28 April 2024

Goldfinches in the Willows


Verge-side willows slump
While two goldfinch strip catkins
Of their down; spring snow!


Clouds of catkin down
Drift in the warm Spring sunshine
Goldfinch weather now